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Who are we?

The Roses of La Salette is a non-profit organization founded by devout Catholics who seek to preserve and promote our Catholic Faith. We are a religious, charitable, and educational foundation that serves various religious, charitable, and educational activities. 


We are a nonprofit tax exempt corporation. Although we are a ministry independent of the Diocese of Memphis, we are devout Catholics in good standing with the Holy Catholic Church and we seek to preserve and promote the traditional Catholic faith. Our chaplain serves our ministry with permission of Bishop David Talley.


We are committed to the service of the Gospel. Called to be missionaries at home, we seek to address the needs of our times. Our foundation has recognized the victimization that women endure as a result of human trafficking. It is our mission to develop a home that will offer stability, rehabilitation and most importantly re-establish their human worth as children of our loving God.


We are also committed to provide and care for our priests and consecrated religious by providing hermitage retreats and houses for retired priests.

Our Lady.webp

Faithful Catholics

The Roses of La Salette Foundation is well grounded in our Catholic Faith.

We hold to and proclaim, without fear, the beautiful truths of the Catholic Faith.


Regularly we offer monthly Catholic Educational Conferences on various topics. At other times we gather to celebrate various liturgical events, solemnities and feasts.


Throughout the year we hold Days of Recollection so that we can, in a more peaceful and quiet manner, reflect upon the magnificent truths and mysteries of our Catholic Faith.


Care for the Clergy and Consecrated Religious are essential to our mission. We seek to provide a place for them to retreat, draw close to God and be renewed in their vocation.


Our Foundation is named for the town of La Salette Francis, where Our Lady, the Mother of God appeared in 1856.



Future Aspirations:
Saint Josephine Bakhita
Home for Women

Saint Josephine Bakhita was born in 1869 in Sudan. As a young girl she was kidnapped and then sold into slavery. After she was sold several times, beaten, mistreated and scarred. Her trauma was so great that she even forgot her own name. They all called her “Bakhita”, the lucky one, because she survived. Eventually  she was taken to Italy to be a slave and nanny of an Italian trader. Learning that slavery was illegal in Italy and discovering the Catholic faith, Blessed Josephine Bakhita claimed her freedom and entered the Catholic Church. Through her new found faith she came to deep healing and growth in her spiritual life. Often she would pray at her baptismal font giving thanks to God for the gift of baptism that gave her her true freedom. Eventually she became a Catholic Religious Sister in the Canossian Sisters. At profession she was given the name Sister Josephine. In her life as a religious she worked with children. As she grew in faith and healing she often said that if she were to meet those who whipped her, beat her and traded her, she would kiss their hands because their cruelty brought her to Christ. A truly holy disposition that can come only through deep interior healing and growth in God’s love. She died a holy death on February 8th 1947 and was proclaimed a Saint by Pope Saint John Paul II on October 1st, 2000.




Retreat Houses for Priests and Consecrated Religious

On our property, we have two houses (soon to be five) tucked away in a secluded spot adjacent to our 30 acre lake available for priests and consecrated Religious to use for hermitage style retreats.


Our Catholic Priest Chaplain is available for confession, Holy Mass and spiritual direction.



Are Regularly Scheduled

Twice a month we offer various events in our modest chapel and conference room located on our property. These events include a Holy Hour, Rosary, Benediction, a Conference and social time.


Topics range from Marian Apparitions, the devotion of Divine Mercy, consecrations and more. 




The Laity

Currently, we are developing a large conference center. There is much work to do in order to prepare the buildings for use. Once we are ready, it is our hope to offer Catholic Conferences that will bring together Catholic men and women and assist them in learning, growing and defending their faith.

© 2023 by Roses of La Salette.

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