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Retreat Houses for Priests


Consecrated Religious

The Roses of La Salette has, at this time, one hermitage tucked away in the woods, on a hill with a view of the lake, that we offer to Priests and Religious to use for periods of silent retreat and an eremetical experience of prayer and solitude.


The Hermitage is fully stocked with dishes, pots and pans, a bed, and comfortable furniture.


Retreatents only need to bring the food for the length of their stay. There are food markets within a nine mile radius.


We only ask for a generous donation of the retreatants ability to offer what they can.


Priest retreatants are welcome to celebrate daily Mass at the Roses of La Salette Chapel, located in Saint Francis Friary. Our Chaplain will see that you are all set for Mass. Or, if the Priest wishes, he may concelebrate the daily Mass at the Friary.


Priests and Religious are welcome to use the Friary Chapel at anytime for personal prayer, adoration, or may chose to join in the Friars Recitation of the Divine Office and twice daily Holy Hours.


Our Chaplain is available for Daily Mass, Confession, Spiritual Direction, or cnversation.

We boast of 400 beautiful acres for walking and reflecting upon the majesty of God's creation


There are two large lakes, god for fishing, and four smaller ponds hidden away in the woods along our miles of paths.


The sunrises and sunsets are just extraordinary.


In the near future we hope to complete the renovations on four more cottages that we will use as more hermitages so that we can accommodate more priests and religious. Please keep this in prayer and consider making a donation to help us complete this project.


Chapel Schedule 


Friary Prayer Schedule


6:00 am Angelus. Exposition, and Lauds


6:30 am Silent Eucharistic Holy Hour


7:45  am Holy Mass


8:30 am Terce


10:00 am Friars are Available


12:00 pm Sext


2:00 pm Friars are Available


3:00 pm None


3:15 pm Friars are Available


5:00 pm Silent Eucharistic Holy Hour


6:00 pm Angelus/Vespers/Benediction


7:30 pm Friars are Available


9:00 pm Compline

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