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Weekly Newsletter, 08/04/23 No. 2


May the Lord give you His peace!

I hope that Everyone is having a wonderful start to their August.

July seemed to fly by rather quickly. Thanks be to God things have slowed down a bit.

The heat has been a!


Not much has gone on these past two weeks, so, here it goes;


1. Mike S. continues to keep up on the tractor bush-hogging. 


2. We have finally got some movement on the property insurance. Hopefully we will have insurance soon!


3. I met with the Tax assessor today. He is going to visit the property and determining the yearly property taxes.


4. Blessed be God, the 5G has arrived on Lake Vonda. We cancelled out satellite and the Friary is now on 5G. We are hoping to have Our Lady of the Lake House (House 1) will be on 5G next week.


5. We had the Chimney Doctor come through all the houses and asses the cost of putting wood burning stoves in all the houses.


6. Two weeks ago we had a great Fatima Reflection Night. I am happy to see that the views on the Fatima Night Reflection talks are gaining views on YouTube. Last conference already has 150 views.


7. On the Roses of La Salette website there is the list of upcoming Fatima Reflection Nights. Go to the website and click on the Calendar to see the dates:


8. Soon I will be putting out some dates for Days of Recollection.


9. FATIMA REFLECTION NIGHT Monday August 7th 6:00pm till 8:00pm THE THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA JULY 13th part 3


Well...that is all for now.

I humbly ask for your prayers, this Sunday  celebrate 35 years since I made my first vows as a Franciscan.

Remember to pray the Rosary everyday and to keep conscious of the intense love that our Lady and our Lord has for you.

"My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge"

Jesus I trust in you!

God Bless You and Mary Keep You!

+Fr David Mary+

© 2023 by Roses of La Salette.

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